Bolt Helps Retailers Transform Any Shopper Into a Lifetime Customer in a New Campaign kaboom directing duo Plummer/Strauss Supported the Creation of The Discount Diva & Multi-Tabster

A new campaign honors Bolt’s promise of shockingly simple checkout with subtle humor, visual flair, and over-the-top yet admittedly relatable types of consumers. The spots, produced by kaboom and directed by Plummer/Strauss, present how shoppers – the Discount Diva and Multi-Tabsters among them – can be transformed into lifelong customers with the help of Bolt.

The Multi-Tabster has a million tabs open on his computer, does yoga while watering his plants, shaves while baking, and takes social media photos while exercising. And when it comes to purchases, he’s almost too distracted to check out. The Discount Diva loves high-style and living large on a deal. And she’ll seize the moment when the moment comes with a promo code. With an easy checkout that enables retailers to turn anonymous guest shoppers into account-holding member, Bolt translates any type of shopper into a lifetime customer.

“Partnering with Plummer/Strauss, we were able to present how no two shoppers are alike, but any shopper can become a lifetime customer. Throughout, we shared the same vision and the end product is an example of a true partnership where the lines of idea ownership are blurred,” said Jason Rosenberg, Creative Director at Bolt. “Capturing the Bolt tone was essential – It's bold, electrifying, and shockingly simple. We did this by taking the viewer on a ride with the camera, with each transition as seamless as Bolt itself”

“We needed partners who wanted to bring a fun voice and visual language to a B2B company while supporting Bolt’s vision,” said Adrian Hernandez, Senior Creative Producer at Bolt. “With Plummer/Strauss it was immediately clear that we had a collaborative duo that embraced this project as if they were part of the in-house Bolt team. Bolt and Plummer/Strauss were a great match for collaborating on storytelling, creating these "shopperganger" archetypes, and finding production efficiencies and hacks. I mean, not many client-director relationships can capture 35 shots in a single shoot day.”

The project was an ideal collaboration for Plummer/Strauss, known for applying classic cinematic techniques to create stylized imagery and meticulous planning to maximize on-screen dynamism. The campaign brought the directing duo to Mexico City where a single home was transformed into two distinct settings for two very different styles of customers whose personas may just live in each of us.

“Throughout our collaboration we really enjoyed how much the agency creatives wanted to push the visuals for the characters they developed,” comments directing duo Plummer/Strauss. “In addition to conveying each personality, we all wanted to impart spectacle and dynamic movement in each spot. It was ambitious but we all embraced it as a welcome challenge as an integrated creative production team.”

Client: Bolt
Meg Ciarallo, SVP, Marketing
Jason Rosenberg, Head of Creative
Rosi Georgieva, Creative Director
Haley Gardner, Creative Director
Adrian Hernandez, Senior Creative Producer

Kaboom Productions:
Lauren Schwartz, Founder/EP
Plummer/Strauss, Directors
Jon Goldberg, Producer
Steven Sills, HOP

Editorial Company: Cut+Run
Amy Rosenberg, Editor
Brian Stanley, EP

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Kevin King's picture

An ad agency pushing the companies unique value proposition in a 30 second ad? Well done Kaboom, don't see that much anymore.

Dabitch's picture


Also, I freely admit that I haven't closed a tab since 2019.

Robbotman's picture

Right? The art direction is pretty nice too.

I am kidding. Really.'s picture

The execution here is everything. All they had to show was that button, but they went all out showing the people in a very entertaining manner.

Dabitch's picture

Aye, I dig it. It's not exactly explaining how the discount diva is getting her discounts auto-magically, but I get that she is still getting her discounts. (I am identifying with her hard lol! Paying full retail ruins the sport of shopping!)

Jason Fox's picture

Props for actually selling something and being stylish about it. Wish they'd split the customers into their own spots because, you know, campaign. And the writer in me dies a little every time I hear 2015 and 2019 back-to-back. Should've been 2020.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

here for the art direction