Budweiser - Donkey - Look What You Started - (2005) 0:30 (USA)

This is the story.. of a kangaroo wanting to be a Clydesdale?
Second Quarter

Ad Agency: DDB Worldwide, Chicago
SVP, Group Exec Prod: Greg Popp
Group CD: Barry Burdiak
VP, Group CD: John Hayes
VP, CD/AD: Steve Bougdanos
VP, CD/Copywriter: Patrick Knoll
VP, CD/Copywriter: Craig Feigen
VP, CD/AD: Adam Glickman
Prod. Business Manager: Lisa Nardiello
Production Company: Tate and Partners Santa Monica, CA
Executive Producer: David Tate
Head of Production: Hugh Bacher
Director: Albert Kodagolian
Producer: Chris Crawford
Production Supervisor: Donna Bartek
Production Coordinator: Nathan Haener
Editorial Company: Cutters Chicago, IL
Editor: Steve Stein
Finishing/VisFX: Brickyard VFX, Boston, MA/Santa Monica, CA
Lead VFX Artist/VFX Sup: Patrick Poulatian
Producer: Diana Young

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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deeped's picture

One of the stupidest things is making the consumer feel like an ass. This ad make me look like it... I don't get it...

Dabitch's picture

Had you brushed on on last years superbowl ad, you would know who that little Donkey is. ;)

deeped's picture

Even more stupid. Probably some culture bias on my behalf ;)

AnonymousCoward's picture

deep.ed, you should probably drop the deep in your name since you weren't deep enough to get it.