Bülow Lakrids - "Share it with a hater!" liquorice sample (2021) Denmark

Not everyone likes liquorice - and "Lakrids by Bülow" are on a mission to change that. Globally. Let Tommy, from production, explain.


"It has come to our attention that most people around the world think they hate liquorice, but we believe LAKRIDS BY BÜLOW can change their minds. So, we offer anyone a free liquorice sample if they promise to share it with someone who hates it. It’s not the perfect plan.

We have calculated that it will take 412 years, and 292 days to make the world love liquorice this way. But it’s the best plan we have right now."


Yes, it's the world's largest and longest free sampling! I love this. And I love liquorice.

Ad agency:  & Co. / NoA - Copenhagen, Denmark

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