Burning money PR trick backfires: Tomas Mazetti from Studio Total responds.

On July 6th Tomas Mazetti and Per Eriksson from Studio Total donated 100,000 of their taxed personal stash to the political party Feministiskt Initiativ, and the party leader burned it all in one big bonfire to make a point.
This cheap PR was reported in every single Swedish newspaper, the evening news, and soon foreign news outlets such as the BBC and The Washington Post.

Like I said then, well done guys - and I mean it.

However, Sweden has a large population of total morons, most of them are the politicians running for office this fall, and by late afternoon on July the 6th the press was already turning against this stunt with The PR expert Paul Ronge raising concern that other people donating to the party may find this to be a waste.

One of the people upset by the burning is politician Birgitta Ohlsson, who stated that the money could have been used to "save 400 girls in a poor country from starvation"

Tomas Mazetti has responded in an open letter to Birgitta Ohlsson.

.....Now the news spread across the world. International media from the BBC to the Washington Post, hundreds of millions of people have heard about injustice. Anyone who knows anything about public relations knows how much this is worth. Then suddenly you (Birgitta) are angry. You think that these funds should have been used for something else. Not the money I earned before, and I bought my car for. Not the money I've drunk away. Not even your own money, the millions that you have in your advertising budget which will be used to wallpaper Sweden with your own face. No, this money should not go to rescue the poor little girls. Only the 50 000 that was used to start the debate about women's lower wages should go to it. Well, it's done now, and I am out of money for the moment. I therefore suggest that you use 100, 000 of the Liberal Party election budgets to some form of charity. Meanwhile, I will save up for a giraffe.

Ahahahaha, a giraffe. This guy is my hero today.

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kurtberengeiger's picture

I have a problem with this headline. I can't see that this stunt has backfired one bit. It's only further revealed just how deeply rooted in traditional ways of thinking most Swedish politicans are.

Dabitch's picture

Fair enough. I've been watching the twitter-feeds of those in #almedalen and yapping with the "man on the street" (a.k.a neighbors) about this since Monday, and it's really funny how many pull up the old "THEY SHOULD HAVE DONATED THAT MONEY TO X" instead of thinking "wow, great PR stunt for cheap".

I am surrounded by morons. Help me.

kurtberengeiger's picture

Du, jag är ju omringad av tyskar. Hjälp mig! ;)

Dabitch's picture
