CAMH - oxygen / I can't breathe (2018) :30 (Canada)

Coinciding with Mental Health Week, the new campaign launches through a number of outlets. Video elements include a 30-second TV ad directed by Caitlin Cronenberg from Untitled Films. The commercial shows a woman in a hospital bed speaking about her illness, gradually it’s revealed that she’s not in the hospital receiving treatment but rather at home alone dealing with her mental illness.

About CAMH:

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is the largest mental health hospital in Canada, and a world leader in mental health and addiction research. One of the biggest issues in our health care system is the perception that mental health isn’t as important as physical health, even though 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental illness in any given year.


Client (Company): CAMH

Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo

Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh

Creative Director/Art Director: Catherine Allen

Creative Director/Writer: Ian Simpson, Jon Webber (website)

ACD/Art Director: Marcelo Mariano (website)

Designers: Ryan Booth, Marcelo Mariano, Jack Curtis

Art Director: Manali Kulkarni

Writer: Dylan Verwey, Peter Giffen (website)

Agency Producer: Jac Benoit, Teresa Bayley, Ola Stodulska, Nadaa Baqui

Clients: Danielle Donadio, Lori Spadorcia, Robin Rowe, Rino La Grassa, Robin Rowe, Dr. Ivan Silver, Dr. Damian Jankowicz

Account Team: Mike Sutton, Rob Feightner, Hillary Roberts, Violet Karbalaei, Eric Kormos, Ola Stodulska

Strategy Team: Tim Hopkins, Sean Bell, Heidi Philip

UX: Vergel Evans

Media Agency: UM

Media Agency Planner: Kate Mateer, Emily Strongitharm

Production House: Untitled Films (TV), Zulubot (Branded Content)

Director: Caitlin Cronenberg (TV), Director: Barbara Shearer (Branded Content)

Executive Producer: Lexy Kavluk (TV)

Line Producer: Jennifer Walker (TV)

Production House Producer: Jenna Peel (Branded Content)

Director of Content: Cary Smith

Director of Photography: Kris Bonnell (TV), James Arthurs (Branded Content)

Casting Facility: Ground Glass Media (TV)

Casting Director: Andrew Deiters (TV)

Editorial Company: Zulubot

Editor: Marissa Bergougnou (TV) Jay Baker, Max Lawlor, Robbie Haring, Kaisa Pitsi, Jarvis Alston (Branded Content)

Post Production Facility: The Vanity (TV), Jarvis Alston (Branded Content)

Executive Producer: Stephanie Pennington

Post Producer: Hannah Bird

Compositor: Michael Medeiros

Colourist/Transfer: Andrew Exworth

Audio Post Facility/Music House: Cylinder Sound

Audio/Music Director: Brad Nelson

Engineer: Joshua Mancuso (TV), Stephen Stepanic (Branded Content)

Photographer: Anthony Gallucci

Studio Artist: Anna Harju

Interactive Programming: MNP LLP

Interactive Producer: Lisa Prentiss

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