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This is the case of Verizon vs. Motorola's Super Bowl ad from 2000. They're similar, in fact very similar, but that's not the funny part...

Motorola Snake Agency: McCann Erickson Click me!

Our Motorola hero takes a break in the woods and ends up with one more snake in his pants than usual.

Panic-stricken he uses his phone to log on to the internet and look up what kind of snake it is. He finds that it is a Milk snake, "non venomous" and breathes a sigh of relief, before the added knowledge "CONSTRICTOR" appears on his screen...

Verizon Snake Agency: Bozell NY Click me!

Our Verizon 'canyouhearmenow'-hero sees a snake, he photographs it, records the snakes' hiss and types the text message "poisonous?" and sends it to presumably, a snake-knowledgeable friend. When he receives the all-clear he simply walks over the snake and moves on. The interesting thing here is that Motorola makes some of the phones that Verizon offers, but they're using the snake idea to promote a rival brand named LG. Claymore spotted them, and super adgrunts get to watch these gems.

src="">Click me!

Our Motorola hero takes a break in the woods and ends up with one more snake in his pants than usual.

Panic-stricken he uses his phone to log on to the internet and look up what kind of snake it is. He finds that it is a Milk snake, "non venomous" and breathes a sigh of relief, before the added knowledge "CONSTRICTOR" appears on his screen...

Verizon Snake Agency: Bozell NY Click me!

Our Verizon 'canyouhearmenow'-hero sees a snake, he photographs it, records the snakes' hiss and types the text message "poisonous?" and sends it to presumably, a snake-knowledgeable friend. When he receives the all-clear he simply walks over the snake and moves on. The interesting thing here is that Motorola makes some of the phones that Verizon offers, but they're using the snake idea to promote a rival brand named LG. Claymore spotted them, and super adgrunts get to watch these gems.

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