Carlsberg aims to unbottle the reserved Swedes with app-game-quest: Unbottle yourself

Åkestam Holst got together with B-reel and Monterosa to create an app-quest (available both for android and iphone) that aims to "unbottle" the famously reserved Swedes. See, Swedes don't speak to strangers, Swedes have as many facial expressions as a knee, they never do anything spontaneous, never get exited or passionate about anything and are always tall, blond and icy. Yes, I'm a mutant, but hush or they'll take my passport.

Beer has however had the ability to allow Swedes to let their hair down, dance a little, laugh a little, make new friends and talk to strangers. Carlsberg's goal is to have Swedes open up like this when they're not drinking beer. Enter the quest, explained at unbottleyourself, and available to download from iTunes store and Android store. The Swede who completes the quest gets a free party weekend - in Hong Kong. You can't fake your way through the quest, a Social Task Force will be keeping an eye on your images, videos and GPS co-ordinates to see that you're actually doing stuff. Like hugging a tree or making a slalom-course between waterbottles in the supermarket. If this game becomes popular, I predict app-less Swedes wondering what the hell has gotten into people. Blame Spring Fever!

From DDB Canada

The campaign tackles the notion that Sweden is a reserved nation -- a notion which the brewing company hopes to dispel by creating a fun, word-of-mouth effort that will have people taking part in 500 cheeky offline exploits such as "skip down the street" or "pretend to be a tour guide on the bus". Participants are required to submit photo and video content to prove when they have completed a challenge, and this user-generated content will be pulled into a campaign-specific website which will both curate and share each participant's stories.

Of course there's facebook page and you can follow @unbottle on twitter as well.

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koalapappan's picture

Correct agency is Åkestam Holst, Stockholm. Not DDB.

Dabitch's picture

Tack Martin. (Men varför skickar DDB Kanada saken till mig?)

koalapappan's picture

Bra fråga! ;)

Ny trailer att länka till hittar du här:

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Fixat ny linkfilm. :) Mergade ditt nya konto med ditt gamla konto igår också. :) Adland never forgets an adgrunt who has posted something. ;)