CBS says Nope! Blocks PETA and the MoveOn Super Bowl Ads

I guess I spoke to soon when I said MoveOn goes to the superbowl, delighting in the winning ad being created by Charlie Fisher who works here in Denmark.

CBS decided to nix both the MoveOn ad and the Peta sexy delivery boy. CBS told PETA that it would not run advertisements on "controversial issues of public importance." when they could have said: "dude that porn-spoof thing is so done by now".

PETA spokeswoman Lisa Lange said to Adland: "In essence, CBS is saying we will air an advocacy ad if we agree with the viewpoint" as she pointed out that CBS has aired ads for "Truth" during teh super bowl.

"CBS has no problem with airing commercial after commercial advocating the consumption of fried chicken, pork sausage and fast-food burgers, even though eating these products are making Americans fat, sick and boring in bed," PETA spokeswoman Lisa Lange said; "Our ad has all three of advertising's most popular elements -- sex, humor, and animals --so the network should jump on it."

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