Chuck Norris can be killed with bottle water!!!

bottled water causes blindness in puppies
Bottled water makes acid rain fall on playgrounds

Tappening are at it again, this time they have a campaign called start a lie where you can make up some idiotic "truth" about bottled water and pass it on to your pals. You can even download these posters where acid rain falls on playgrounds, puppies are blinded and restless legs keep you up all night - all because of that bad bad bottled water.

If they keep this up, perhaps they'll follow the footsteps of that Australian town that banned bottled water. Oh yes, they did, but they didn't bad the portable plastic bottles - you buy one of them and the town is ful of places to refill - see BBC news item... It's a bit like, gee, do you remember the good old days with water fountains everywhere, youknow, that worked? And were clean? Yeah I remember them too. Loved the twin kind, one adult height and one child height. Before they were full of grease, graffitti, chewing gum and grossness they were the place to get water when on the run.

Why the "lie" tactic? The duo behind tappening think that water cascading over pristine mountaintops on bottled water labels are lies, so they're simply leveling the playing field.

“Puffery is one thing, but some advertising is simply lies. I’ve observed that there are two types who perpetrate this: Those who admit it and those who don’t,” notes Tappening co-founder, Mark DiMassimo, whose agency created the new ad campaign. Tappening partner, Eric Yaverbaum, adds, “We’re not just admitting it up front, we’re bragging about it. We want people to know we’re blatantly lying in our new campaign…and, most importantly, that everyone should pay close attention to what’s factual in marketing and what’s – not so much.”

 Bottled Water: 98% Melted Ice Caps. 2% Polar Bear Tears
Bottled Water is the Primary Cause of Restless Leg Syndrome
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smizzly_bob's picture

But there really are lots of mountains with water flowing down them, if there weren't the oceans wouldn't exist. Bottled water is a lot better than that other kind that has fluoride and lead and chlorine in it. Not to mention the toxic chemicals that go into those reusable bottles that degrade in the sun and poision people. Let's gloss over that.

Besides, polar bears are ruthless killing machines. They're like Chucky Manson with chainsaws for arms. Remember the huge public outcry against clubbing baby seals? Guess what polar bears love to eat more than anything (it ain't tofu!), and they kill the poor creatures by stomping on them, using their bulk to kill them when they try to hide in snow drifts. I say let the polar bears die. They didn't do anything good for anybody.