CNCF - Street kids feed on garbage - guerrilla, China

Vietnam and Mongolia both face a serious problem with street kids, "Images of them scavenging through garbage for sustenance can be seen everywhere" the release says. Now, I reckon that you'd simply see street kids digging for food in the garbage, but they get images too.

Their advertising solution: make garbage bags shaped like little kids and drop them around garbage bins, with the line Street kids feed on garbage every day this was signed off with "make a difference" to urge donations to the

CNCF is the Christina Nobel Children's Foundation - it is "dedicated to helping children in need with education, medical care, social opportunities, and job placement. All of this is done with love, dignity and respect for each child as an individual." Operating mainly in Vietnam and Mongolia.

Created by Leo Burnett, Hong Kong (this is why the ad is listed as "China" even though it does not appear in China).
Connie Lo, Brian Ma, Alfred Wong : Creative Director
Brian Ma, Leo Yeung, Martin Tong : Art Director
Joey Chung, Alfred Wong : Copywriter
Bag design: Yael Mer & Shay Alkalay, Raw-Edges Design Studio

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