Coalition for the Homeless - When all else fails - (2008) :15 (USA)

Client: Coalition for the Homeless
Spot Title: "When All Else Fails"
Airdate: June 2008

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Worldwide/New York
Creative Director: Rich Russo
Producer: Jeff Goodnow

Production Company: Lankford Films/New York
Director: Gary Lankford
Executive Producer: Lainie Harris
DP: Kevin McKnight
Line Producer: Martha English

Where shot: on location on Catherine St. & Monroe St., New York, NY

Editorial Company: Outside Editorial/New York
Editor: Jeff Ferruzzo
Post Producer: Jen Sienkwicz

Postproduction Company: Outside Editorial/New York
Colorist: Jeff Ferruzzo

Audio Post: Berwyn Audio, New York, NY
Audio Engineer: Eric Thompson

Music Production Company: Face the Music/New York
Composer: Claude Debussy
Arrangers: Joe Sicurella/Eric Rehl
Executive Producer: Joe Sicurella
"Clair de Lune"

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