Coca-Cola "Wish in a Bottle" - case study - (2015) (Israel)

Coke is high tech "Happiness" around the world, with digital emoji responsive posters and all, but in Israel they're always one step techier than other places. Over there they had the social robot that went to camp for you, they've 3D printed mini-you, they created personalized road and had the Real life "Like" button that showed up on your facebook. Meanwhile the US Coke drank the social media kool-aid, and soon found themselves trapped into tweeting phrases from "Mein Kampf", by a troll prank from Gawker.

But I digress, in Israel right now we're still spreading happiness to teenagers with creative tech solutions, and this one fools teenagers into thinking there's an actual falling star in the sky. Of course, it's not, it's drones and fireworks and a clever "star" shaped sender on the bottle cap which send a signal over wifi to the drone... but for a brief moment all the teenagers saw was pure joy. This took place at the “Summer Love” event. But wait, there's more! Coke actually went out of their way to let teenagers wish come true, one of the first teenagers to be surprised was a guy who studies at a school in which Coca-Cola sponsors a business integration program. He was invited to the main stage, where he was handed the special bottle in front of thousands of other teenagers. When he opened the bottle - a star shot out of the sky! And the teenager’s wish - becoming a DJ at a huge party - came true. He played a DJ set at the huge party which took place that night. As always these event ideas seem a lot more fun for the participants then watching them, but I still like the tech falling star solution.

Alon Zamir, VP Marketing - Coca-Cola Israel:
“As always, in every event we hold - The emphasis was all about innovation in order to excite our teenagers in a non-ordinary way. This time, we made wishes come true using a unique technology.
The bottles series was created under the notion of “Internet of Things” and by making a star fall using a Coca-Cola bottle, we could intensify the teenagers’ experience when interacting with the Coca-Cola brand”.

- Coca-Cola Israel
- Creative: Gefen Team
- Digital: Qdigital
- Video: Jelly
- Production: Promarket

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