Coke and Pepsi - double dribblin' at NCAA.

Pepsi sponsors the stadium...Coke sponsors the tournament... Somebody's gonna be left foamin' at the mouth over this doozy.

Pepsi Arena General Manager Bob Belber said, "Every radio spot, every TV spot, every print ad, almost everywhere you look, Pepsi Arena is there."

That's right, Pepsi. But when one of the biggest events to come around here in a long time rolls into town, Pepsi will have some competition for your attention. From none other than Coke. The NCAA Tournament is sponsored by Coca Cola.

So we could hear "Coke presents the NCAA Tournament from the Pepsi Arena in Albany?"

Belber said, "Could very well happen."

And that's not all. Like Belber said, the Pepsi name is everywhere here. Those signs will have to be covered up with NCAA signs. That's the rule.

"There are some 17 thousand seats in Pepsi Arena, all of them empty now, but come game time, they'll be filled with screaming fans, some of whom are gonna get thirsty. And if they do, they'll be able to buy Pepsi inside. But outside, the beverage of choice will be Coke.

But you better start taste testing now, because no matter what you choose, you cup isn't going to say Pepsi or Coke, but you guessed it: NCAA.

 But for most people, its not about the competition in the cup, but the heat on the hardwood. Just ask them, Pepsi or Coke?

"I don't care," one man said.

And neither does the NCAA.

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Thats too funny for words.