Correction Fluid - Saigon/Ninios/Torres Gemelas (2006) Print (Chile)

Work for correction fluid from Chile. * please note, this is spec work!
Creatives : Miguel Angel Barahona, Gabriel Gomez

Something about this ad feels somewhat familiar. Perhaps it's the use of shock. Or maybe it's that these images have been used before in other "shock" ads.

Read on to see the ads.

NOTE! Images removed on both the clients and ad agencies request.

1 march - 2nd update: Correction fluid ads that never were

Please read this update - HQ in the USA, tells us to remove white out Chile ads.

TBWA Chile

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Plywood's picture

Do people even use [trademarked name removed] any more?

It's absurd to connect something that simply erases an errant apostrophe with a jet flying into the World Trade Centre. I call thanks but no thanks and slight bullshit on this particular hyperbole.

CopyWhore's picture

Shocking?! Try Shockingly banal. As someone who used to work on this account, I can tell you there are so many better ways to dramatize the product benefit in a way that's both relevant and credible.

This is campaign is just plain lazy.

Dabitch's picture

what the [profanity obscured by whiteout] is that...?