Cry me an iRiver

As with the X/Xtreme/eXtreme x-fever the i-fever has run high for too long now. Please, someone make it stop!

Frome Apple alone there's iMacs,iPods, iChats, iMovies and so on. Outside of the Jobs-cult there's iRiver, iName, iNet, iBank, iBus, iListen and good old ITV which had it's name long before the iHype. Not forgotten is the iRabbit vibrator, not to be confused with the irabbit from i-mockery.

These i-names are becoming as dated as the X-names, soon they'll remind us of an era long gone like the K-names of the sixties, Kwik, Kleen, Krispy & "Kremy", Krunchy etc. Or the seventies era "2000" names on any and all household appliances, or the 50's fascination with "o-rama", as in bowl-o-rama and swing-o-matics. It was an era when the stuff in the tack-o-rama was cool rather than camp. iRestmycase.

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AnonymousCoward's picture

iKnow! iSn't iT iRritating? i;-)

Dabitch's picture

iGod knows, iReallyhateit! :P

James Trickery's picture

the B3ta boards have the perfect comment for this, the iQueada poster.