Cult Shaker competition where you could win a breast enlargement has been deflated

Cult shaker, the brand that likes to use nudes in ads to grab eyeballs, and then doubled them for extra attention has now found a new way to get into the headlines. Still on their 'tone of voice' though, they've held a competition where the prize was: free boob job!

Yes, the competition was called Boobs for Shaker where competitors could upload a snapshot of their ta-tas and have them rated. The ugliest boobs win. The ladies who did not win the breast-enlargement could win a free Cult Shaker drink provided they lifted their top up and showed the DJ their tits at participating bars. Better than beads, I guess.

The Danish variant of ASA/Consumer ombudsman did not see the funny in it, and Markedsføring reports that they've now changed the competition so that the winner of the breast enlargement will win cash-equivalent instead.

I'm still not sure if the nude man holding the Cult Shaker in front of his crotch is meant to say that it tastes like piss or not.

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