Death to advertising as we know it.

The gamers who play gory games out there are not easy to shock. In fact Acclaims new advertising campaign for (PS2) Second coming is likely to be very well received. The second coming is a game where the dead walk the earth again - so where else would they advertise but on actual tombstones?

Acclaim Entertainment has announced that advertisements for its game Shadow Man: Second Coming for the PlayStation2 are set to appear on gravestones across the UK as part of the first advertising campaign to use memorial plaques as part of a marketing strategy.

Oh , and you thought that you had explored the outer limits of new media..

It gets better, Acclaim are inviting relatives of the recently deceased, to see if they would be interested in subsidizing the rising costs of dying, if they would just add the Lead character Mike LeRoi's head and second coming logo to their dearly beloved's plaque/tombstone.

Shaun White from Acclaim even coined a term for the new media and defends it: " The concept of what we're calling "deadvertising" is entirely consistent with the theme of Shadow Man, and provides us with a permanent presence for our advertising."

You can read a little more and look at a screenshot from Shadow man at who broke the story.

Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist and starts writing letters... Consider the idea that this might just be a great publicity stunt...

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