The decade that was - summed up in icons, in ads, in everything.

I knew I'd end up doing a list of list eventually today. The decade summed up in icons, and once again the NYT graphic designers have us with our mouths agape. Nice one.

Agencyspy has another list: Endorsements Evaporated: How Sex, Drugs and Teardrops Spoiled the Aughts. It is aughts or naughts? Or naughties? You'd think we'd have this figured out after ten years of zeroes, but nooo. I guess that memo was eaten by a spamtrap.

Adfreak's traditional freakiest ads list is out the thirty freakiest ads of 2009 are up.

25 predictions for Indian advertising might have some local injokes on it, but one thing in Adland never changes, only the names of places do: "Of the 10.5 copywriters left in advertising, 6 will quit to try their hand at writing scripts for Bollywood."

Campaigns sums up advertising in the naughties, oh so it's naughties now? Way to tell me just two days before I stop having to use it.

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