Diet Pepsi - AEON FLUX / Cindy Crawford Malcolm McDowell (1996) :90 (USA)

Cindy is sitting in a room on a chair with wooden armrests. An open curtain billows behind her providing sunlight, as it shines onto a broken marble statue on the floor. Enter Malcolm McDowell, who plays the part of Trevor Goodchild. "Something wrong?" he asks Cindy. Cindy replies: "You mean you don't know?"
"Help me," Malcolm says. "I'll help myself," replies Cindy, and suddenly she turns into the animated Cindy Flux version, bouncing around in Aeon Flux's animated world.

Rumor has it that this ad was created at record speed to be aired at the Super Bowl in 1996, but it was deemed a bit too out there, so Diet Pepsi opted for another ad during the bowl. This concept aired later on MTV and during Adult Swim, most often as a short 45 edit.

We have an alternate edit in adland's commercial archive here. Instead of demanding he clean up that mess, she calls it a dump.

Ad agency: BBDO, New York
Creative Director: Al Merrin
Production company: PYTKA
Director: Joe Pytka
Animation: Peter Chung

Principal talent: Malcolm McDowell and Cindy Crawford

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Dabitch's picture

This is still awesome. I love LOVE LOVED Aeon Flux and swear that I tried to style my hair like that for years. I wonder what Peter Chung is up to these days.