Doritos - Bold Love / Lesbian couple - eng. sub. (2023) 2:00 (Mexico)

A lesbian couple are driving somewhere at night. One is eating Doritos, and then turns to look at her lover declaring "I love you so much". The other asks "how much?" and she declares that she would kiss her in front of everyone, that she would want her to come to her job every day with flowers, even if that meant she'd get fired. She'd marry her, even if that meant it would halve the number of guests.

The point of this is to highlight the statistics in Mexico of how many gays and lesbians face discrimination at work and being shunned by friends and family.

p.s., I subtitled this ad, any Spanish speakers out there who want to correct my translation, feel free to do so, I love to learn!

I did not get casting credits, but I must add the casting of these women and the chemistry between these two is amazing. They are a very believable couple, so if anyone knows the talent names, please share.

Production company: BLANK films
Director: Felix Fernandez de Castro

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