Egard - What is a man? (2019) 2:00 (USA)Egard Watches

Egard Watches created this short film as a response to that Gilette ad. Yes, the "men of tomorrow" ad that caused such controversy, see post: Gillette - We Believe / Men of tomorrow (2018) 1:48 (USA) prompted me to ask "Is advertising to men while being anti-men, in general, a wise strategy?"

Now I'm asking, is making short films referencing that ad to sell watches a wise strategy? Sure, you may get some views thanks to the controversy, that's a given, but what about the watches? Are we just selling opinions at this point?

Overall, this film has a lot of depressing statistics about men. It's not all puppies and sunshine on that side of the sex-division.

Egard Watches

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