El Paso pizza Commercial‬ - Мвої фантазії, наша піца (2020) Ukraine

I don't even know where to begin with this ad.
Years ago I was complaining in this interview that advertising copies Reddit memes, instead of creating something new. Now ads referencing pornhub scenes that became memes might be a new low.  Since we don't have subtitles, *deep breath*, here we go;

Blond: "I don't know, I've never done this before, so I'm a little worried. There are so many of you, so I don't know what to choose. Although come to think of it, let's do all at once." 


Tagline:  El Paso my fantasies, our pizza - Мвої фантазії, наша піца

There is a pun here as "фантазії," is both "imagination" and "fantasies". I hate puns no matter what language. And yes, that's the pornhub sound logo you hear in the ad. I don't know about you but I lost my appetite. 

Client: El Paso pizzeria, Rivne Ukraine

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Dabitch's picture

Any Ukrainians feel free to correct my extremely limited knowledge, I'm not sure Мвої means my here because it seems to me the ad should say *your* imagination - our pizza.

Fkappa's picture

The problem here is that it is written TVOI, that 'M' is actually a 't', when writing in cursive, the 't' is written with that sort of 'M'.

So it is Your Fantasies, Your Pizza.

Dabitch's picture

Thank you! That makes more sense.

Michiel Krohne's picture

You know what the Pornhub sound logo sounds like?

Dabitch's picture

Everyone knows that since the highschool kid played it in an auditorium and every single high school guy in there cheered.