Eran Creevy and Sonny J make zombie line dancing B-movie rock

So, if you were Eran Creevy, that made the "running man" move ultra-cool despite it's inherent naffness, what would be your next move?

Why, line-dancing zombies of course.

Creevy explains;

As soon as I heard the track it just made me think of a movie, and I wanted to seize the chance to create my own world, we went after it, usual musicvideo casting wouldn't do we went down every avenue to get the most interesting people, the coolest clothes, everyone went the extra mile to make the details of the video spot on, and that made the difference for me.
I love old school, big music videos, this was a track that deserved one, music video is an amazing medium, I've grown up on amazing directors and massive videos, it's getting harder to make them now, but when I heard this track I thought we had to properly go for it.
I've always been obsessed by comic books, and once I go the chance to bring one to life it was amazing....I want to shoot the next installment now, the lead character has a journey to go on and I've written second part.
An oscar nominated production designer, an eclectic cast, the George Lucas sound stage at Elstree, a 50ft technocrane and massive airstream trailer what more could I ask for.

You forgot to mention rock hard thighs on the main dancer, geez that girl makes me want to hide in a gym for a year. Without further ado, check out the video here:
Sonny J – Handsfree (If You Hold My Hand) - (2008) 3:10 (USA)

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