Facebook refuses Christian Democrat's election ad, because she is seen hunting in it.

Ella Bohlin is a candidate for the European Parliament from the Christian Democrat party in Sweden. They are running for election with the slogan "Make EU lagom" again, where the word lagom means moderate, or 'just enough'. Ms Bohlin, in particular, wants to make sure that the EU doesn't restrict the hunting rights of Swedes, where over three hundred thousand people are hunters, and two hundred thousand are registered to help wildlife management. It's not only a great source of food, and activity, but it is also necessary to cull our wildlife to avoid overpopulation. Our tasty, tasty, wildlife. The copy of her ad explains her position:

Hunting is freedom. Time to be in nature. The hunt contributes to healthy food and it is necessary that we can manage the game here in Sweden.

Now the Swedish hunt for Brussels and EU bureaucrats is threatened. Rules are proposed that may make it difficult for the country's hunters and limit competition shooting.

Wildlife care should be determined locally. Here. In Sweden. We are the place that knows the wildlife best.
The EU needs to be a little more moderate again.

She explains that the film was on the official Christian Democrats page, but was removed by Facebook.

-"The campaign film was on our facebook page, but when we tried to reach our target groups who are hunting and fishing enthusiasts, using the film, it was stopped by Facebook. We received a written justification that one may guess a little about, but it was about that there are weapons and ammunition in the film, which is contrary to Facebooks "values". For me, it is strange because the film is completely uncontroversial."

When Facebook blocks an election film talking about game hunting, and refers to their "values", are they meddling in our elections? Ella Bohlin thinks the answer is yes; 

- With Facebook, it is easy to identify the right target group but now we are prevented from communicating with the targeted readers. In the end, it's a matter of democracy, she says.

Facebook has previously blocked similar hunting-related content, in March 2019, the hunting magazine Jaktjournalen was prevented from marketing three of their posts, with the motivation that they "violate the company's values."  Even earlier than that, posts with photographs of successful hunts, were deleted by Facebook, reports Journalisten. 

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Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge is "eating only what he kills" - so refusing this ad rings extra-hollow there.
