The First Boards Awards - are not the first

Boards magazine (US) is proud to present the third annual First Boards Awards, which honors emerging talent. Confusing with all these digits, the third annual first awards will be held in NYC March 2002. There, say that ten times fast.
This year's awards will honor international talent in four categories: directors, editors, animators and composers.

This event is supported by Boards and industry sponsors, and produced by Brunico Communications Inc. The 2002 awards will send the top director to the Cannes Advertising Festival of 2002.

Please visit for information regarding our Call for Entries, entry forms, information on Sponsorship, and to view last year's winners. Hang on - then it's not the first awards?
*Note: Submission and payment must be received on or before January 7th, 2002 by 5 p.m EST.

For more information,

Teressa Iezzi (, Editor
Tom Symes (, Publisher
Please send entries to:
Lindsay Gammon
First Boards Director Awards
C/o Boards Magazine
366 Adelaide Street West, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R9
1-877-Boards1 in North America or 416-408-2300 internationally.

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