Friday bits: AT AT pancakes and Jägermeister's new AoR is Mistress

Jim, king of pancakes at jimspancakes, has stumbled onto a genius way of marketing pancakes to webheads. He made an AT-AT from pancakes and I predict that this image will never stop being retweeted.

Jägermeister appoints Mistress of Venice Beach, CA as Jägermeister’s agency of record in the United States. "The appointment of Mistress is a milestone decision for our United States business as we continue to build Jägermeister to the next level in America, the largest market in the world," says Michael Volke, Member, Executive Board, Mast-Jägermeister SE. "We look forward to collaborating on a complete 360° integrated advertising campaign, which will be unveiled in 2012."

The slowed down version of Madness' Baggy Trousers released this week, with the obligatory documentary on how they created the song to go with it, of course. But everyone seems to fancy last years Ace Of Spades more. Is the Madness one simply edited too long? It has nice details, Lee flying with his sax, the walk out of the bar and the reversible beret. Me, I like the Metallica vs the Prodigy version, but that ain't selling no beer.

Speaking of music and odd mixes, the Advertising week social Club Friday playlist is up, and I've slowed it down too, taking on covers only.

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