Geico - Piggy wee wee wee - (2010) :30

Did the little piggy say wee wee wee all the way home? Why, yes. Yes indeed.

Agency: Martin agency
Click 3x Post production
Client: GEICO
Spot Titles: Woodchuck, Piggy
Air Date: September 2010

Agency: The Martin Agency
SVP/Creative Director: Steve Bassett
Senior Art Director: Justin Harris
VP/Associate Creative Director: Wade Alger
VP/Executive Producer: Molly Souter
Asst. Producer: Nicole Hollis-Vitale
Financial Coordinator: Megan McDermott
Senior Integrated Prod. Bus. Mgr.: Amy Trenz
Talent Business Supervisor: Suzanne Wieringo
SVP/Account Director: Chris Mumford
Account Supervisor: Liz Toms
Account Executive: Ben Creasey

Prod Company: Moxie Pictures
Director: Frank Todaro
EPs: Robert Fernandez, Lizzie Schwartz
Producer: Laura Heflin
Production Supervisor: Valerie Thomas

Editorial: MacKenzie Cutler
Editor: Ian MacKenzie

Post/Effects: Click 3X
Managing Director: Jason Mayo
Producer: Chris Kiser
Creative Director/Flame Artist: Mark Szumski
Lead Flame Artist: Evan Schoonmaker
Flame Artist: Sophia Avgousti
Flame Artist: Joe Vitale
Flame Artist: Kevin Quinlan
Flame Artist: John Ciampa

Shoot Location: L.A.

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claymore's picture

Thank goodness they didn't feature the little piggy having roast beef.

Kissmekatey's picture

You are one warped puppy.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This ad makes me lol

AnonymousCoward's picture

LOVE these ads! Haven't seen them recently, but sure hope they come back.

Tim.....zoesmith 's picture

I remember my grandmother use to love this commercial and I can hear her saying weeeeeee weeeeee in 2019 she died in 2012 as for the commercial is now playing in 2019