Gordon Jump of Maytag fame has passed away

The maytag man has retired to the big theatre in the sky - Gordon Jump died Monday at the age of 71. He only just retired from his Maytag man role in July, and will be missed by many fans both adgrunts and theatregrunts.

Maytag.com has redecorated their website in Gordon's honor, stating they mourn the tragic loss of him.

Jump came to appreciate the attention he got for the ad campaign and the steady work it provided, Wagner said. But his heart was elsewhere professionally.

"What he loved more than anything was doing theater. He was a marvelous actor," she said, recalling a visit to Florida to watch him perform in "Norman, Is That You?"

from SFGate

We at adland give Gordon a standing ovation for his lifes work. Bravo, Gordon, Bravo.

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caffeinegoddess's picture

R.I.P. :(

Dabitch's picture

yeah, sad he didn't get to enjoy his retirement longer. :(