Göteborg Energi : Lets keep it together campaign - OOH, Sweden

Ad agency Stendahls explain their thought process. "

Climate change has become one of the most pressing issues of our times. At the same time trust in institutions is hitting an all time low. This has left people questioning what governments, companies and organisations are doing to fight climate change, how they take responsibility for, and are contributing to a more sustainable society. 

Göteborg Energi, being a municipal energy company, is owned by the citizens of Gothenburg and for decades the company have been working relentlessly to make the city a more sustainable and better place to live in. 

To start shift the residents perception about sustainability we decided to harness/use what is at the core of being a municipal company; the strength of being a collective and the demand on openness and transparency. This means showing that Göteborg Energi has the muscles to take action on a system level (hence releasing some pressure on the individual to solve the problem) and being able to talk about all the initiatives they are doing in a simple and comprehensible way."

With headlines like: "We're acting now so that our future can become history" and "There's too much talk about climate" the ads, placed at tram stops in Gothenburg, invite commuters to spend a moment reading the body company and learning mopre about Göteborg Energi. 

Client: Göteborg Energi (an energy company)
Agency:: Stendahls

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