Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield. Caltex® (A Chevron® company product)

Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Poster)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Magazine AD)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Magazine AD)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Newspaper)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Poster)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Poster)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Poster)
Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield (Poster)

Advertised brand: Havoline® Caltex (A Chevron company product) Advert title(s): Havoline ® Headline and copy text (in English): Havoline® Oils... Protection Shield BTL campaign June '07 Advertising Agency: CONTRAST Media Solutions® Agency website: http://www.contrastms.com

Creative Director: Mahmoud Saeed Art Director: Muhamed Abdelaziz Copywriter: Mahmoud Saeed Illustrator: Wa'el Atef Azab Photographer: Mohamed Shiha Account Director: Mostafa Farag Production manager: Shady Mohamed Director: Ahmed Shiha

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