Hell Pizza, the New Zealand pizza provocateur, must have missed the international news spotlight. So, just in time for easter they've put up a billboard made with real rabbit - just like their rabbit pizza. Yep, that's right, lots of furry widdle rabbit furs were stapled to the billboard, leaving only open areas where the headline is. Quelle outrage!
As expected their facebook page is now overrun with people hating it, and surprise, loving it. Because lets face it folks, rabbit is tasty. Also, in New Zealand there's so many of them, it's seen as a pest more than anything. So if you want to keep the food gardens safe and get a tasty pizza, who you gonna call? Hell Pizza!
They had this to say about their billboard.
A note on our billboard. As well as being a delicious meat, and even quite cute, rabbits are unfortunately also a noted pest that is damaging to the New Zealand environment, particularly in the South Island. For those who are concerned, we sourced these rabbit skins via a professional animal tanning company, who in turn sourced them from local meat processing companies where the skins are a regular by-product. Our Rabbit Pizzas are made purely from wild rabbits from Southland and Otago.
The New Zealand Vegetarian Society had this to say about it.
While we've been pleased to have Hell's vegetarian and vegan pizzas NZ Vegetarian Society Approved, impressed at their efforts to ensure avoidance of cross-contamination and can appreciate Hell's humour, this is deplorable on so many levels. While we "approve" Hell's veg pizzas, we do NOT approve of this.
Because just putting rabbit on a pizza, is fine by them, but announcing it on a billboard using fur is not.