Hendrick’s Gin - Unusual / Mad magazine makes rose petal and cucumber meet - print Spain

Draftfcb in Madrid developed a new and "unusual" campaign for Hendrick’s Gin, though the execution is very familiar. Yes, it's based on the MAD Magazine fold-in format popularised by legendary cartoonist Al Jaffee. The Mad magazine execution style was used by Miller in 2003 to show in the fold how beer added to anywhere became an instant party, while Hendrick’s is using it to show its dominant flavour profile: the infusion duo of rose petal and cucumber. With a victorian touch to the illustrations it feels like Jules Verne himself might have sipped it while writing some of his more elaborate works.

Creative Credits

Agency: Draftfcb Madrid

Advertiser: Varma Group

Brand: Hendrick’s Gin

Campaign: The Unusual Way

Client Contacts: Marisa Martínez, Jesús González, Olga Ortiz de Zugasti

Creative Director: Baldiri Ros

Copywriters: Claudia Vicente, Álvaro Navarro

Art Directors: Gabriel Izquierdo, Miguel Martínez Velacoracho

Group Account Director: Juan Ramón Ortega

Account Director: Mar Ortega

Account Executive: Eva Colmenero

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