Herbal Essences - Changes / Four women (2017) 4:05 (Sweden)

Forsman & Bodenfors have finally cancelled the annoying orgasm-in-the-shower concept in this new "Changes" campaign for the P&G brand Herbal Essences. The "Changes" concept is based on the research backed insight that when a big change happens in a woman's life, they change their hair. Tsssk, anyone who has seen Sliding Doors knows that. But seriously, Herbal Essences's international survey of women ages 18-35 revealed that the majority of American (87%) and British (80%) women have made significant changes to their appearance after a big life change, and that one-third of women (US: 33%, UK: 36%) believe it would be hard to change their lifestyle without also changing their hair. In short, hair is a big deal to women. This "mini documentary" asks four women about the changes in their lives that changed their hair. Trin cut her hair short after splitting up with her fiancé three months before the wedding. Jazmin went from bleach-blond punk to combed back jazz. Jesse cut her long hair clean off after she had a baby while she was still in high-school. Brianna, who can move like flowing water, decided to embrace her natural afro after having been told that she needed to look as "european as possible" and get a weave before a ballet audition. As usual with these types of edits, the single person shorts are better than the main edit which tried to tick off as many boxes as possible at once, but in the end it says nothing about Herbal Essences. Nothing at all. Embracing changes isn't that far removed from other brands touting embracing your natural state of hair, and who has time to "join the conversation" at hashtags like #LetLifeIn and #EmbraceChange right now when we're busy with the #metoo, #gordononcocaine, #forgetcatalonia, #bbcqt, #madden, #lemissionpolitique and two dozen other assorted hashtags trending right now. Like so many other "mini documentaries" we have attractive people telling personal stories to the camera, and I just can't bring myself to care.

In short, I'm bored with this type of execution already. I guess I'm not the P&G target market. Nicely executed, as usual, though Forsman and Bodenfors. But its a snoozefest.

The campaign is shot in the USA and will air internationally.

Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg, Sweden

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