HIPPO fights the root to all evil: Hunger - via twitter

Parle Agro’s snack product Hippo in India has a rather amusing positioning created by Creativeland Asia: 'Fight Hunger, Fight Evil'. If hunger is the root to all evil, we must all rise up and fight the cause.

The radio campaign has the dictators Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Joseph Stalin making evil speeches, because they were really quite hungry. The full length commercial has a Hippo diving into various evil polluting corporation headquarters, terrorists cells, even war zones and whatnot, sharing Hippo snacks that make everyone stop fighting and smile instead.

But the real evil genius lies in Hippo's use of twitter. If you tweet to @HelloMeHippo that your local shop is out of stock, the Hippo Army descends and restocks as soon as they can.
Hippo is now able to identify empty racks faster and re-stock locations within hours, even identify new potential markets. Parle Agro has set up a group that passes the information on to the respective area sales and distribution teams.

Hippo - Fight Hunger - (2010) 1:43

Yep, Hippo has received desperate pleas for snacks from over 25 cities. At zero cost to Parle Agro, the number of people tracking stocks across markets over Twitter for Hippo were equivalent to 45% of its sales team. By matching supply with demand more effectively, Hippo managed to up its sales by 76% in the first few months after launch.

Take a bow Creativeland Asia, crowdsourced inventory tracking, now that's pretty clever.src="adland.tv/ippo-fight-hunger-2010-143">Hippo - Fight Hunger - (2010) 1:43

Yep, Hippo has received desperate pleas for snacks from over 25 cities. At zero cost to Parle Agro, the number of people tracking stocks across markets over Twitter for Hippo were equivalent to 45% of its sales team. By matching supply with demand more effectively, Hippo managed to up its sales by 76% in the first few months after launch.

Take a bow Creativeland Asia, crowdsourced inventory tracking, now that's pretty clever.

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Smart thinking .. Now that’s one brand that has used social media to its best …