IBEW Local 103 billboard in Boston today taunts with one word: COWARDS

The IBEW Local 103 headquarters, which is right off the well trafficked I-93, has an electronic billboard where they usually display messages of news or political nature, depending on what they're up to. Today it had one word.


Don't mess with Boston, people. Just don't.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Bob Kastigar's picture

Great use of the sign! Keeping it simple. One word says it all.

Bob Kastigar
IBEW Local 1220, Chicago

AnonymousCoward's picture

They are not cowards. It's risky; it takes balls to plant a bomb like that. It's actually much more cowardly to drop bombs from airplanes and drones, like the US does--killing countless more innocent people that Americans don't care about.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Most Americans would in fact be to afraid to plant bombs or engage in resistance against a strong invader, just like most french ppl didn't resist when the Germans invaded France during ww2