IBM and SUN finally co-operate

After their graffiti campaign backfired IBM get unexpected help to clean up the City - from SUN.

Sun Microsystems has offered to help IBM, one of its fiercest rivals in the server market, undo a Linux marketing campaign that backfired.

IBM's "Peace, Love and Linux" push involved spray-painting symbols on sidewalks, a move that didn't sit well with city officials in San Francisco and Chicago. The symbols--a peace sign, a heart and the Linux penguin mascot--were supposed to have been written in an impermanent medium, an IBM spokesman said.

Officials in both cities have threatened to fine IBM and make the company pay clean-up costs, an IBM representative said.

IBM spokeswoman Trink Guarino said IBM has halted the sidewalk logo part of the campaign.

One source within IBM said the company had thought appropriate permits had been obtained and that the ads had been removed, but the company later found neither to be the case.

Sun made the offer on Friday night, just before the company's Worldwide Volunteer Week ended Saturday. Read more at ZDnet

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