Albin Gromer updates a classic lullaby called Trollmors Vaggsång. Sadly, whenever I caught this ad on Swedish telly, it has been chopped down to a short shadow of itself and I only get to hear the "yaa yaa yaa yaa oooh" part, losing the entire context of it being a classic lullaby updated. Bummer. This is why you should never do annoying short edits people, they are le suck.
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors
Art Director: Andreas Malm
Client: IKEA
Art Director: Adam Ulvegarde
Copywriter: Fredrik Jansson
Designer: Christoffer Persson
Agency Producer: Alexander Blidner
Web Producer: Stefan Thomson
Production Company: Social Club
Production Company: Kokokaka
Director: RBG6
Photographer: Carl Nilsson
Music: Music Super Circus