Infor - Brooks Koepka - To be the best, you need the right tools (2020) :54 (USA)

One of golf’s leading players Brooks Koepka appears in this advert that pokes fun at business software. Sure, it starts with your usual overhead shots and electronic dance music that build the hype as if it was 2003 again, but just wait for it, it all takes a self-deprecating turn as golf balls make way for lemons, eggs, and marshmallows. It's a little silly in a very dry client area. 

The sender is Infor, a business cloud software provider for more than 70,000 businesses, hospitals, and governments around the world. A golfer needs the right tools for the job, just as a company’s software needs to be specifically tailored to its industry, or it simply won’t work.  

Client: Infor

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