Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM) - Burka / Garbage bins - (2007) print

In a campaign for women's rights, the Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM) who won a Bronze Epica for "Burka" earlier this year, now show a woman in a burka next to garbage bins for a slightly shocking visual, as she blends in so well. Women are easily disposed of? Shudder. The oppression of women is too easily overlooked reads the line, and indeed if you son't spot her at once you feel that you overlooked it. Way to make the viewer feel guilty, JvM!

Ad agency: JUNG von MATT, GERMANY, Hamburg
Executive Creative Director: Jan Rexhausen
Creative Director: Dörte Spengler-Ahrens
Copywriter: Sergio Penzo/Daniel Pieracci
Art Director: Gun Kanjanapokin
Account Supervisor: Marco Köditz
Producer: Philipp Wenhold

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