Irn-Bru gets you through... Fanny?

A handful of Scottish Irn-Bru fans have chuckled and passed this image on, it's Irn-Bru's cheeky response to the European campaign from Coke where common first names are placed on the labels instead of the brand name (Except the name Mohammed, despite it being a very common). Irn-Bru tweeted this a couple of days ago:

Of course, a fanny is also a pussy, which seems to be a reference to that Branson drink with the banned "pussy" posters. It's a double-whammy in mocking other soft drinks.

Not everyone loves it, as it happens. I love Irn Bru though, and if naming this tasty concoction after my genitals is sexism, well darn I was taking it as a compliment first. I know men who could lap Irn-Bru up 24/7. Though hang on, with the tagline "gets you through Irn-Bru"... Hmm.

src="">(Except the name Mohammed, despite it being a very common). Irn-Bru tweeted this a couple of days ago:

Of course, a fanny is also a pussy, which seems to be a reference to that Branson drink with the banned "pussy" posters. It's a double-whammy in mocking other soft drinks.

Not everyone loves it, as it happens. I love Irn Bru though, and if naming this tasty concoction after my genitals is sexism, well darn I was taking it as a compliment first. I know men who could lap Irn-Bru up 24/7. Though hang on, with the tagline "gets you through Irn-Bru"... Hmm.

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