ITVX / The Freshest - John 'Freshest' (2022) :30 (UK)

ITVX is the UK’s freshest streaming service, with more free shows than anywhere else.

O Positive director David Shane says: "I was so excited by this project because it had one of those great, misguided characters who, for reasons unknown, has been put in charge without any necessary qualifications or talent. Like myself. There’s nothing more fun than getting a handful of truly gifted, funny, facile actors in a room to play around with a great idea. And that was the case here. As soon as Jonas and Sam pitched me the idea, I was in. We shot with four cameras simultaneously so every time we built a moment, it was in the can."

Project title: ITVX The Freshest
Client: ITV
Agency: Uncommon Creative Studio
Production Company: O Positive
Director: David Shane

Executive Producer: Ralph Laucella, Marc Grill, Nell Jordan
Producer: Nell Jordan
DP: Sebastian Blenkov
Production Designer: Sam Tidman
Editors: Gavin Cutler (Mackcut) and Mark Edinoff (Work Editorial)
Stylist: Gabi Yiaxis
Director Asst: Michael Clancy
PM: Alex Yiaxis
Post Production: Selected Works
EP: Sean Costelloe
Producer: Katie Sharpe
Lead Online Artist: Dave Wishart
Colourist: Hannibal Lang (Bacon X)
Designer: Vibol Moeung
Sound: Wave Studios
Engineer: Parv Thind / Harry Butcher
EP: Beth Tomlin
Media Agency: Essence

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