Jägermeister - It runs deep - (2012) print

"Give it a shot". Really? This is the headline you come up with for a booze that is only served in shot-form? Jägermeister seems to be a difficult client, all over the map in what they approve. My guess is that the brief contained the words "Increase trial consumption".

Breaking nationally on Monday 26th November, ‘It Runs Deep’ celebrates the deep and meaningful bonds experienced between true friends and brought together through Jägermeister. The ethos also links directly back to the product and its depth – the legend of St. Hubertus, the brands heritage, the alchemy of the secret ingredients, its ice cold serve and its multi layered and complex taste that all runs deep.

Shot by award winning photographer James Day, the campaign will include outdoor, print, digital and social media advertising, featuring two creatives ‘Give it a Shot’ and ‘Deep Freeze.’

‘Give it a Shot’ features the distinctive Jägermeister bottle with two shot glasses set against a deep layered background of the 5 popularly known product ingredients - star anise, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and orange peel (Jägermeister is actually created from 56), all encased in ice. Each element was shot separately in acrylic and the layers were compiled together to create a visually stunning effect.

‘Deep Freeze’ features the Jägermeister bottle dramatically frozen within a block of clear ice and two shot glasses set in front. The deep layered background of ingredients encased in ice remains while the strap-line reads ‘Deep Freeze. Ice Cold Shot’ with the ‘It Runs Deep’ sign off in the corner.

The campaign will be followed by a second phase early in 2013, including a TV campaign.

Project name: It Runs Deep
Creative agency: The Red Brick Road
Client & their job title: Jägermeister Group Marketing Manager, Nicole Goodwin
Creatives: Matt Davis & Richard Megson
Account Director: Nick Braddy

Account Manager: Michael Cavanagh
Agency Planner: Ben Mitchell
Agency Producer: Phil Penn
Production Company: James Day Photography
Director of Photography: James Day
Media Agency: AMS

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caffeinegoddess's picture

I saw a TV spot for this earlier today. Just a bunch of dudes in a bar doing shots...at least that's what I remember. I could be wrong. Yay for creativity. Although personally I'm not a fan of the stuff, there has to be something better to play off of. I mean, I can do shots of lots of other things. Tell me why it should be this one.

Dabitch's picture

...it's cold! Wait no, that's part of your job to keep it that way. Worked for Coors tho. Worked in this poster back in Denmark so well the underwear model next door got chilly.

Consumerama's picture

The team at Jägermeister seem a bit confused as to what to do post-Jäger bomb. Do people really want to drink it as a shot? Would they not already have done so already if they wanted to?!

If you're at all interested my thoughts are here: http://consumerama.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/jagermeister-jagerbombdead/

Dabitch's picture

I sense a generational shift. There was Jägermeister in my friends dorm-freezer back in the 90s, and we would never do a jägerbomb, as that is an affront to decent beer (I know the young'uns today do it with energy drinks). The frozen positioning is at least twenty years old.