Link Lust: When a man linkes a woman... Osocio and Luke Sullivans Fallon days

Luke Sullivan (a.k.a. Lucky Luke), the man who makes us laugh with the Hey Whipple book has just posted 100 photos from the ten years at Fallon McElligott on Flickr, including this epic photo of Julie Ruddy and Arty Tan frolicking in a bubble bath.... You know, like you do. Keep up with Luke on his own blog Hey Whipple.

Osocio has posted 2000 blogposts and now want your help in ideas on how they can get 2000 friends on Facebook to celebrate. You could win some Plakkies, a Skull-A-Day collection T-shirt or a print from Dan Matutina if you send in your idea.

Meanwhile, I am manually weeding out spam accounts that were created by a bot here over the past week, and am happy to report that the advertising agency users here now are indeed, advertising agencies and not spammers. We'll see when I re-open the account sign-up, I'll keep you posted on that.

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