Logo twins mean very different things

Over at Bold user, Bedford spotted a very funny set of logo twins which mean very different things.

While one means "port-a-potty" the other means "protection and service for people who rent their homes".

What the lingonberries in milk-red color mean in either logo is anybody's guess.


Yes, folks, it's US-based Hampel Global Toilets versus the Swedish legal advice and rights group, Hyresgästföreningen.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Great find. Let's see them duke it out like Helvetica vs. Arial!

kidkie's picture

Hehe. This reminded me about a logotype that I saw some two years ago in one of my books. I scanned the following one from one of my logotype books "Trademarks of the '60s & 70's".


kidkie's picture

Heres the book btw:
amazon link

James Trickery's picture

Does this remind anyone of....