McDonald's - Larry Bird / Michael Jordan - The Showdown (1993) - 0:60 (USA)

The legendary game. Larry Bird and Michael Jordan bet on burgers on who will be the first to miss, and it just gets crazier and crazier. It was Larry who came up with the line 'No dunking.'

"Through the window, off the billboard...."

Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago

Creative director: Cheryl Berman
Copywriter: Jim Ferguson
Art director: Bob Shallcross

Director: Joe Pytka

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LarryRocks's picture

I've always loved this ad! So glad to find it again! Thanks for archiving!

Jerry is the coolest kid ever's picture

Dank memes bro

Robbotman's picture

I still love this ad. Thanks for keeping the Adland Archive alive.