- Suicide - (2010) :30 (USA)

Cat finally commits suicide.

Executive Creative Director: Frank Anselmo
Creative Directors: Scott Kaplan, Tom Kraemer, Duc Nguyen
Writers: Duc Nguyen, Frank Anselmo
Art Directors: Frank Anselmo, Duc Nguyen
Agency: KNARF/New York
Director: Tom Cartier
Production Company: Deviant Multimedia
Executive Producers: Brett Koehler, TJ Allard
Director of Photography: Evan Estern
Editor: Victoria Lesiw/Crew Cuts
Colorist: Micah Kirz/Point.360
Sound Mix: Jodi Levine/Sound Lounge
Released: 1/5/2010

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electrogeek77's picture

Is the ad really titled "Suicide"? Was that necessary? I find that pretty apalling, having been an attempt survivor myself.

It would've been just as funny if it was meant that the cat was so bored with his surroundings, that he was willing to risk the high jump just to get the hell out.

Dabitch's picture

Yes, it is. Searching on that word here will bring up many more commercials that have this title and storyline [trigger warning], most recently the Audi spec ad.