Meta's new ad and the dumb possibilities of the metaverse.

"One day, the metaverse will help firefighters save time when lives are on the line, speed up decision making in the ER, and bring students on field trips to the Ice Age.

The metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real."

Put in the simplest way, this ad is so dumb. All these things are already possible and shows how unnecessary the metaverse really is for us. Firefighters are already capable of knowing the estimates of their surroundings and do not need a virtual screen to tell them that oxygen is low and fire is hot. Doctors do not need meta glasses to record their surroundings as they point randomly into the air, when they could very simply pull out an iPad to quickly forward the most recent scans. Children can go to museums to get a way more realistic and more fun tour explaining how mammoths lived.

These are all things we already have and doing them virtually only takes away from the experience of it, if anything. This is the lamest attempt at striving for relevance I have ever seen, and I watch beauty youtubers.

Client: META

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Jason Fox's picture

Spot on. "The Metaverse will let you do things you can do today only slight differently and with more bugs." Thanks, Zuck. That's swell.

Dabitch's picture

It's a pale copy of the "You Will" strategy from AT&T in ´93