MLA - Sam Kekovich's Address To The Nation - (2009) :90 (Australia)

At this point we can't have an Australia Day without the Meat and Livestock Association's Lambassador ranting about "Un-Australianism" like he did in 2006 and 2007. Here we're in dire straits speaking from the Australian Chop Exchange, as the stock have dropped due to Wall Street wankers and bottom-feeding billionaire bankers. Homage to the the Black Current Tango ad / French Exchange Student rant walking-rant as well as 'Being John Malkovich' ensues, as eager listening Australians follow Sam Kekovich down the road to the barbie. They all eventually turn into Sam Kekovich, which gets extra creepy with the bikini-clad gal on the right, but the point has been made. A chop and a cold one is the only way to celebrate Australia Day, we're Sam Kekovich and we all agree that it makes sense.

Meat and Livestock Association

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