MTS "Homespot" (2015) 1:02 (India)

The MTS baby is back. And he has a bone to pick with God for daring to send him into this life in a family that doesn't even have adequate wifi for their smartphones. Wow the 'tude this baby throws. First of all, the subtitles are hilarious but so is listening to the usual Hindi/English mix. Then God turns into a massive salesman to introduce MTS Homespot Instant Wi-Fi Plan. So much funny. By the way, this launched uring the World Cup Cricket 2015 on the day of India v/s Pakistan so no doubt a lot of eyeballs saw it.

Client: MTS India
Agency: Creativeland Asia
CCO: Sajan RaJ Kurup
ECD: Anu Joseph
Production: Earlyman Films

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