Multitalented Whitehouse Post Editor Lisa Gunning Makes Move to LA Office

In a move that helps emphasize her increasing focus on weaving long-form narratives along with her lauded commercial work, acclaimed Whitehouse Post Editor Lisa Gunning has relocated to the company’s Los Angeles office.

Gunning’s arrival to Whitehouse LA coincided with an opportunity to edit the feature film Newness with commercial and narrative director Drake Doremus. The film was completed in only three months and premieres at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. Well known for her commercial work, which has been awarded at Cannes, D&AD, BTAA, Creative Circle and the Clios; Gunning wrapped Adidas’s Basketball Without Creativity starring James Harden with frequent director collaborator Stacy Wall late last year. In recent years she has also teamed up with Wieden+Kennedy, 72 and Sunny, Y&R and BBH to work on brands including Nike, Corona, Landrover and Johnnie Walker. Regarding her decision to relocate, Gunning explains that LA offers a viable location to expand her commercial portfolio and cater to her longform interests. “I love LA, for once in my life I don’t want to get on a plane and go somewhere else, of course I’m quite happy to for work, but I feel like I’m in the epicenter of where my work is based now.”

Along with her notable commercial work, Gunning has also served as editor on high-profile films including Nowhere Boy, Seven Psycopaths and Fifty Shades of Grey, highlighting her ability to work in many formats. In addition to editing, Gunning has grown her directing skills with several projects including 3 short films in collaboration with Nowness and Mini and multiple music videos. “What I learn on each project is great for the others,” she explains. “Directing is great for editing, and what I learn on commercials is great for working in long-form. The varied experiences make me a better director and editor because I’m able to empathize with all of the processes and think of them as a whole, as opposed to just one side of it.”

“We’re thrilled to have Lisa here in LA,” says Whitehouse Post LA Executive Producer Joni Williamson. “She’s spent so much time here over the years and she’s got so much talent and visual style. It’s great to have her close by!”

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